1. My eye hath played the painter
2. Oh, never say that I was false of heart
3. My love is strenghtened

Springs Day (2009)
4. When my love swears
5. Love is too young
6. Sweet love
7. All naked


Catalogue :
Released :
Artists :

Composer / Electronics : Katarina Glowicka
Musicians : Arnon Zlotnik, Rubens Quartet

Composer Katarina Glowicka brings a modern interpretation of The Shakespeare's Sonnets in an original musical performance where the ancient combines with modern music, trends and technology.

Taking inspiration from John Dowlnad's gentle melodic lines, Glowicka matches this with original eclectic pulses in the string quartet together with crystal rhythmical motives using electronic counterpoints. The voice of the contratenors very high male tessitura gives the compositions a unique serenity of non-vibrato lines.

Shakespeare's Sonnets, published for the first time in 1609 were unmatched in its time as the perfection of the sonnet expressing itself on themes of love, beauty and morals with a strong sense of drama and passion inherent in Shakespeare's words.

From this collection three poems were chosen in 1999 and set to music by Glowicka. To this set four more poems have been selected in 2009 to complete a 50-minute song cycle.

"Glowickas style, her nonconformist handling of electronic possibilities and idiosyncratic, not complacency seeking harmonies, are clearly visible in the 50-minute, highly recommended cycle."
Culturmag - Germany
"Glowicka forges a rarefied spiritual atmosphere with her choral delivery [ the Seven Sonnets]"
Aural Aggravation
"with extraordinary strength of conviction Glowicka manages to take us into the century of Shakespeare, and that without sounding stuffy or overly intellectual."
Rifraf Magazine - Belgium